WK – Landesrettungsverein Weißes Kreuz – Associazione Provinciale di Soccorso Croce Bianca (South Tyrol)

Posted on | WK – Landesrettungsverein Weißes Kreuz – Associazione Provinciale di Soccorso Croce Bianca (South Tyrol)

The Landesrettungsverein Weißes Kreuz was founded on 10 August 1965. Today, the Weißes Kreuz is the most powerful rescue organisation in South Tyrol. The core activities are the execution of rescue and patient transports and associated with this further services such as the patient return service worldwide, regional air rescue, First Aid courses, youth work, house emergency call, emergency counselling, laboratory, blood and breast milk transports and more. The special feature of the Weißes Kreuz is that almost all services are carried out by around 2,500 volunteers.

Role and expertise

During the First week of October there will be the 2nd exercise by ANPAS and WK in Italy: it will focus on how to build and run a camp (ITS), simulating the previously worked out scenario for a cross-border joint flood relief operation. For the scenario also a small group of elderly people will be ‘evacuated’ and ‘sheltered’.

SAMI member profile
