USB – Országos Szamaritánus Társaság Szövetsége (Hungary)
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The Országos Szamaritánus Társaság Szövetsége (USB) was founded on 30 October 1999 and has its registered seat in Budapest. The USB is a charity organisation which is independent of the church and parties, which carries out its charitable tasks as an umbrella organisation with regional and local federations. Voluntary and workers are active in the 32 local USB organisations and at the office of the USB umbrella organisation. The focuses of the work of the USB and its member organisations are placed on patient transport, emergency rescue, nursing of old people and children, social services and First Aid training. The USB is a relief and charity organisation which has a federal set-up and works democratically. The bodies of the USB are the members’ meeting, which is convened once a year, the executive board and the supervisory board.
Role and expertise
USB Hungary has organized and managed the first partner Budapest Meeting on Flood (best practices) in the activities of flood last February.