ANPAS – Associazione Nazionale Pubbliche Assistenze (Italy)

Posted on | ANPAS – Associazione Nazionale Pubbliche Assistenze (Italy)

The Pubbliche Assistenze, Italian Associations that provided assistance to the general public, began to form in 1860 when volunteers started to show solidarity for those in need and began soon into regional organizations to act all over Italy in the areas of rescue, disaster relief, assistance to disadvantaged and public health. The pubbliche assistenze joined together in 1904 in Spoleto, Italy, creating the Federazione Nazionale delle Società di Pubblica Assistenza e Pubblico Soccorso. In 1989 the Federazione Nazionale took on its present name and became the Associazione Nazionale Pubbliche Assistenze (ANPAS).

Role and expertise

During the first week of October there will be the 2nd exercise by ANPAS and WK in Italy: it will focus on how to build and run a camp (ITS), simulating the previously worked out scenario for a cross-border joint flood relief operation. For the scenario also a small group of elderly people will be ‘evacuated’ and ‘sheltered’. Anpass has directed several projects in the field of civil protection Samaritan in collaboration also with other Samaritan organizations like The SAMETS project (“Social Affair Management in Emergency Temporary Shelter) that intends to increasing the volunteers capability to work in a multicultural emergency environment and mproving the competencies of volunteers and professionals in an emergency context

SAMI member profile
