
ANPAS – Associazione Nazionale Pubbliche Assistenze (Italy)

The Pubbliche Assistenze, Italian Associations that provided assistance to the general public, began to form in 1860 when volunteers started to show solidarity for those in need and began soon into regional organizations to act all over Italy in the areas of rescue, disaster relief, assistance to disadvantaged and public health. The pubbliche assistenze joined together in 1904 in Spoleto, Italy, creating the Federazione Nazionale delle Società di Pubblica Assistenza e Pubblico Soccorso. In 1989 the Federazione Nazionale took on its present name and became the Associazione Nazionale Pubbliche Assistenze (ANPAS).

Role and expertise

During the first week of October there will be the 2nd exercise by ANPAS and WK in Italy: it will focus on how to build and run a camp (ITS), simulating the previously worked out scenario for a cross-border joint flood relief operation. For the scenario also a small group of elderly people will be ‘evacuated’ and ‘sheltered’. Anpass has directed several projects in the field of civil protection Samaritan in collaboration also with other Samaritan organizations like The SAMETS project (“Social Affair Management in Emergency Temporary Shelter) that intends to increasing the volunteers capability to work in a multicultural emergency environment and mproving the competencies of volunteers and professionals in an emergency context

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ASB – Arbeiter Samariter Bund Deutschland e.V. (Germany)

The ASB is a modern relief and charity organisation. The First Aid training, the medical and rescue service as well as the disaster management are among its classical fields of work. In addition, it offers a broad range of supervision possibilities for old and sick people or people with a disability. Children are promoted and supported in ASB kindergartens, crèches and child day care centres as well as integrative facilities. The Worker Samaritan Youth (ASJ), the independent youth association of the ASB, promotes the social engagement of children and youths. The ASB overseas aid focuses on the international emergency aid in the event of a disaster as well as on reconstruction measures and structural aid. From the head office in Cologne the international patient return transport service of the ASB organises the worldwide transport for sick members and customers. 

Role and expertise

ASB has carried out several projects in the field of civil protection in collaboration with other organizations. ASB will host the 2nd flood Partner-meeting in Wiesbaden in the next few weeks.

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ASBÖ – Arbeiter Samariter Bund Österreichs (Austria)

Today, the Samaritan organization is one of the largest health and social organizations in Austria and the largest provider of rescue and ambulance services in the city of Vienna. The range of its activities has expanded greatly in recent years, particularly in the fields of health, nursing and social services. Today, the ASBÖ covers a wide range of services from medical care at major event, such as the Danube Island Festival, social services such as nursing care at homedomestic care, household and nursing care assistance at home, home nursing care or the help for the homeless and asylum seekers to disaster relief and own care competence centres.

Role and expertise

At the end of April 2015 ASBÖ will host the 1st flood exercise on leadership training about team building, capacity building for team leading and about co-operative structures and processes between different public and non-governmental leader units and decision makers.

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ASCR – Asociace Samàritanú Ceské Republiky (Czech Republic)

The association of the Samaritans of the Czech Republic (ASCR) was founded in February 1992 and therefore followed on from the tradition of the Samaritan organisation. The association was banned during the 2nd World War. The first task of the ASCR is the rescue service in Prague-West and Kralupy n. Vltavou and the trans-port of injured and sick persons in Odolov. In Prague-West and Melnik the ASCR is integrated into the state rescue service. The area of tasks also includes water and air rescue. There is a Samaritan school for First Aid training, training of nurses and paramedics in Melnik. In addition, the ASCR is founder of the club of active aging “KLAS”, which offers senior citizens educational, cultural and sports activities. The areas of activities of the ASCR additionally include home nursing and disabled work. The ASCR is supported by 550 members.

Role and expertise

On February 2015, ASCR will host the 4th flood partner meeting on the  demonstration of Mobile Base Camp building and volunteering

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ASSR – Asociácia Samritánov Slovenskej Republiky (Slovakia)

The Asociácia Samritánov Slovenskej Republiky (Association of the Samaritans of the Slovakian Republic), ASSR, was founded on 12 August 2005. The main activities of the ASSR, which are carried out in full by volunteers, are the execution of non-governmental rescue services, patient transport and disabled transport services, First Aid training, social services for senior citizens, physically disabled and drug addicts as well as activities in the field of health prevention such as e.g. AIDS prevention and youth work. With the support of the Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund Austria (ASBÖ) the ASSR has set-up a fast task force (Slovak Rapid Response Team SkSRRT) which cooperates closely with the Slovakian Ministry of the Interior and has already taken part in international exercises several times. 

 Role and expertise

Next september ASSR Slovakia will host the 3rd flood Partner meeting on Communication & Host nation support

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SFOP – Samarytañska Federacja Organizacji Pozarzadowych (Poland)

The Samaritan Federation of the Non-government Organisations (SFOP) is a voluntary association of autonomous non-government organisations, which was founded at the initiative of the Samaritan society in Zakliczyn on 5 September 2003. The member organisations of the federation are active in all sectors where help is needed: In the work with disabled, help for old people, help for children and youths, in particular help for orphaned children and children from socially weak families, help for victims of natural and environmental disasters. A further aim of the federation is to contribute to the importance of the work of non-government organisations, to extend their fields of activity and to improve their functional capability. SFOP will host the 5th flood Partner meeting on landslides and on the measures to be taken in case of such an event occurs.

Role and expertise

SFOP will host the 5th flood Partner meeting on landslides and on the measures to be taken in case of such an event occurs.

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USB – Országos Szamaritánus Társaság Szövetsége (Hungary)

The Országos Szamaritánus Társaság Szövetsége (USB) was founded on 30 October 1999 and has its registered seat in Budapest. The USB is a charity organisation which is independent of the church and parties, which carries out its charitable tasks as an umbrella organisation with regional and local federations. Voluntary and workers are active in the 32 local USB organisations and at the office of the USB umbrella organisation. The focuses of the work of the USB and its member organisations are placed on patient transport, emergency rescue, nursing of old people and children, social services and First Aid training. The USB is a relief and charity organisation which has a federal set-up and works democratically. The bodies of the USB are the members’ meeting, which is convened once a year, the executive board and the supervisory board.

Role and expertise

USB Hungary has organized and managed the first partner Budapest Meeting on Flood (best practices) in the activities of flood last February.

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WK – Landesrettungsverein Weißes Kreuz – Associazione Provinciale di Soccorso Croce Bianca (South Tyrol)

The Landesrettungsverein Weißes Kreuz was founded on 10 August 1965. Today, the Weißes Kreuz is the most powerful rescue organisation in South Tyrol. The core activities are the execution of rescue and patient transports and associated with this further services such as the patient return service worldwide, regional air rescue, First Aid courses, youth work, house emergency call, emergency counselling, laboratory, blood and breast milk transports and more. The special feature of the Weißes Kreuz is that almost all services are carried out by around 2,500 volunteers.

Role and expertise

During the First week of October there will be the 2nd exercise by ANPAS and WK in Italy: it will focus on how to build and run a camp (ITS), simulating the previously worked out scenario for a cross-border joint flood relief operation. For the scenario also a small group of elderly people will be ‘evacuated’ and ‘sheltered’.

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